Research Study: Where’s The Worst Place to Leave Your Secrets

Research Study: Where’s The Worst Place to Leave Your Secrets

What’s the worst place to leave your secrets? – Research into what happens to AWS credentials that are left in public places Researchers deployed digital tripwires disguised as AWS credentials in various public locations online to see how quickly threat actors would...

ASD Warns of Phishing Emails Targeting Australians The Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ASD’s ACSC) has issued a warning about a new wave of phishing emails impersonating...

Digital Banks: Boon for Customers, Target for Scammers? Digital banks have revolutionized the way we manage our finances, offering convenience and accessibility. However, a recent scam case highlights the dark side of this digital...
How Secure Is Open-Source Software?

How Secure Is Open-Source Software?

Open-source software is the building block of modern applications. From web frameworks to encryption tools, these readily available components offer developers a wealth of functionality and accelerate development cycles. However, this convenience comes with a hidden...

Cybersecurity: The Need for a Wake-Up Call Despite the significant consequences of cyberattacks, many organizations continue to neglect cybersecurity best practices. This procrastination stems from a human...