Guest Lecture at UNSW

Guest Lecture at UNSW

Had the fantastic opportunity this evening to guest lecture at UNSW (University of New South Wales) to tomorrow’s software engineers and leaders. I shared the importance of cyber security in Software Design and Development, and provided some approaches and best...
The State of Software Supply Chain is looking … bleak

The State of Software Supply Chain is looking … bleak

Had a great time today at the CISO Sydney event. I did a joint presentation Justin where we went though the stats in the 8th Annual State of Software Supply Chain Report and I provided my insights and perspective. Some of the key findings from the report that I...
All Day DevOps (ADDO) 2022

All Day DevOps (ADDO) 2022

Had the wonderful privilege this evening to be a Keynote speaker at this year’s All Day DevOps (ADDO).It’s a 24hrs event, 180 sessions, 6 tracks covering CI/CD, Cultural Transformation, DevSecOps, Modern Infrastructure, SRE and Software Supply Chain....
Speaker at OWASP Lagos Chapter

Speaker at OWASP Lagos Chapter

One of the benefits of video conferencing is that you can speak to audiences all over the global. I’ve never been to Lagos, let along Africa, but had the opportunity to speak at the OWASP Lagos Chapter. Due to the timezone differences, I think I had to do the...
It’s Not Your Developers’ Fault

It’s Not Your Developers’ Fault

This year’s RSA theme is Resilience. It’s once again a virtual event, which means I get to attend as a speaker without needing to travel to San Francisco. Title: It’s Not Your Developers’ Fault Time: 5:00pm to 5:30pm (EDT) Description:The...