Future of Security – Melbourne 2023
I had the great opportunity to speak in Melbourne at the FST Future of Security Event. I participated in the Preventing Cyber Attacks Panel Discussion and we spoke on the following agenda: Establishing a proactive post-quantum security framework that secures your data...
Judge on Australia’s Got Tech Talent – Episode 5
I had the privilege of being a judge on the 5th episode of Australia’s Got Tech Talent. The event was hosted by Yana Martens and it was live streamed on Facebook and LinkedIn. Each episode has a tech entrepreneur presenting and we had a pitch by Shantanu...
Guest on Secure by Galah Cyber Podcast
I had the privilege to be Cole Cornford’s guest on his Secure by Galah Cyber Podcast. He starts of by asking which bird I’m most like and why. I said that I’m an owl as everyone in security should be doing lots of listening and watching. It’s...
Speaker at AppSec Australia Meetup
Had a great evening speaking about Securing Software Supply Chain this evening at the AppSec Australia 🇦🇺 Meetup. The audience were very engaged with lots of great questions and follow up conversations over pizzas. The event was organised by Scott Contini and Jack...