This article explores the different scams targeting users, highlighting phishing emails, hijacked chats, fake listings, and bogus job offers. These scams aim to steal personal information, money, or trick you into paying for non-existent accommodations.

Having used myself, I’ve encountered a similar situation to the “hijacked chats” scam. While booking a stay, I received a message through the platform claiming to be from the property owner. They mentioned a slight change in the agreed-upon price due to “unexpected fees” and requested an additional payment. Luckily, the message felt off-putting, and upon contacting the property directly (via’s messaging system), I discovered it was a fake attempt to collect extra money.

The article provides valuable tips on staying safe, which I completely agree with. Always be cautious of unsolicited messages, verify communication sources, avoid clicking suspicious links, and prioritize booking and payments through the official platform. A little extra vigilance can save you a major headache (and financial loss) during your vacation.

Here’s what I found particularly interesting:

  • The rise of AI-generated phishing emails – This highlights the evolving tactics of scammers and the importance of staying informed about the latest threats.
  • The hijacked chat scam – This emphasizes the need for caution even within the platform’s messaging system.

By being aware of these scams and following the recommended safety measures, you can enjoy a safe and secure booking experience on