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As part of a co-ordinated national action plan, the Australian Government will release a revised cyber security strategy later this year around six cyber shields. It’s been almost a year since the Optus Breach, which at the time was the largest cyber security incident in Australian history. As part of the government’s plan to make Australia the most cyber secure nation by 2030, they will be creating a strategy to build six cyber shields around Australia. Each of those shields will be designed to layer stronger protections around Australian businesses, organisations and citizens.
• The first shield is for strong citizens and businesses, focusing on awareness so that they can better protect themselves and recover better from cyber events.
• The second shield is safe technology where they want digital products to be safe for use before they hit the shelves. This is done by having clear global standards for digital safety.
• Third shield is world class threat intelligence exchange and blocking before they cause significant harm
• The fourth shield is focused on building reliable critical infrastructure, uplifting the cyber defence posture of services that Australians rely on such as water, energy and healthcare
• The fifth shield is sovereign capabilities where Australia has a world-leading cyber workforce that supports brilliant innovators to compete globally and win
• And lastly is to have a resilient region where Australia works in partnership with our neighbours to so that we can deal with global cyber threats.
More details on the shields will be provided when the strategy is released later this year. Execution of the strategy will be broken into several “horizons”, the first running through to 2025.

This segment was created for the It’s 5:05 podcast