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Wyze camera owners had a surprise last week when their web camera feeds disappeared and were replaced with feeds from other people’s cameras. Users had reported on reddit on Friday that when they log into Wyze’s web viewer, their camera feeds have disappeared and they had access to other people’s camera feeds instead. They were able to see the inside of other people’s houses and all the events for their cameras. The company confirmed that they had an issue with the online camera portal which they had attributed to a web caching issue. It affected a small number of users using the web browser but did not affect those using the mobile apps. They said that the web portal was shut down once the issue was identified and the issue has been resolved. Last year, the company also revealed that they had been aware of a security vulnerability for three years that allow attackers to gain access to their v1 model cameras. However rather than informing their customers about the issue or fixing it, the company decided to quietly discontinue the camera.

This segment was created for the It’s 5:05 podcast