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Latitude Financial first revealed last week that it had suffered a data breach. The breach impacted approximately 225,000 customers including over 100,000 driver licenses. It has now warned that the number of affected customers is going to continue rising as the cyber-attack was ongoing. They have since taken their systems offline to isolate them for further attacks. Because their systems are offline, they are unable to service their customers and merchant partners, including onboarding any new customers to its financial services. The number of affected customers is now at 330,000 and 96% of the stolen information was copies for drivers’ licenses or license numbers. Some of the stolen data also included passport information and Medicare numbers. They also said that as their review of the exposure continues, they are likely to uncover more stolen information affecting both current and past Latitude customers and applicants.

This segment was created for the It’s 5:05 podcast

March 23, 2023