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Open source Blender project is being targeted by DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, resulting in site outages.

Blender is a popular 3D design suite and is used for creating animated films, video games, motion graphics and visual effects. The project team has confirmed that its site outages are a result of ongoing Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. The attacks have severely disrupted operations, making it difficult to process legitimate connection requests. Despite continuous efforts by administrators, attempts to block attackers’ IP ranges were unsuccessful. After four days of persistent problems, the team has moved the main website to CloudFlare to mitigate the impact of the attacks. However, the attacks, totaling over 240 million bogus requests, are still ongoing. Blender warns users of potential challenges in accessing their services, including solving bot-filtering challenges, and certain sites like “” remaining inaccessible. The motives and actors behind the attacks are unknown, and users are cautioned against downloading Blender from third-party sites, as it may lead to malware infections. If you are unable to download Blender from the official site due to the outage, alternative sources for Blender installation include Steam, GitHub, and the Microsoft Apps Store for Windows users.

This segment was created for the It’s 5:05 podcast