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In an effort to promote cybersecurity, staff and students from three university and across three states attended an Annual Australian Music festival to run daily cyber security tune ups for festival goers. Generation TikTok are cyber-savvy, they know there is danger and risk. Their photos and thoughts are posted for the world to see and they need cybersecurity more than ever. However getting the message out is hard, which is why the universities decided to take this social media friendly approach to raising awareness about digital privacy and cyber security by going to the annual Australian Music Festival, Splendour in the grass. They ran security tune up in the Science tents where they chatted with festival goers about the big 4 of cybersecurity for their mobile devices. Patching, Multi-factor authentication, password management and encryption. The event was supported by AISA (Australian Information Security Association) and the NSW State Government. Read more about it at the University of Melbourne’s website.

This segment was created for the It’s 5:05 podcast