Scams continue to plague Australians, with victims often left devastated and facing challenges in recovering their lost funds. Despite the increasing prevalence of scams, many banks are failing to provide adequate support and protection for their customers.

A Case of Misplaced Trust

Carol Scaramuzzi, a 78-year-old NSW pensioner, fell victim to a sophisticated scam that emptied her bank account of her life savings. She was tricked into believing she was speaking with Apple technical support, who convinced her to provide her bank details to prevent a fraudulent transaction.

Banks’ Lack of Support

After discovering the scam, Scaramuzzi contacted her bank, ING, and reported the matter to police. Despite her efforts, ING closed the case and refused to reimburse the stolen funds. Scaramuzzi believes the bank had a moral obligation to help, as she had a daily withdrawal limit in place.

Public Pressure Forces Action

It wasn’t until Scaramuzzi’s niece contacted the media that ING finally took action. Within hours of the media inquiry, the bank returned Scaramuzzi’s funds in full. This incident highlights the power of public pressure in forcing banks to address customer concerns.

ASIC Report Criticizes Banks

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) recently released a report criticizing the scam prevention strategies of 15 banks, including ING. The report found that these banks offer poor customer service, slow response times, and mishandle scam reports.

Thousands Affected by Scams

In 2023, Australians lost a collective $2.74 billion to scams. While the total losses decreased slightly, the number of scams reported increased significantly, indicating the growing sophistication of scammers.

ASIC Calls for Improvements

ASIC is urging banks to improve their scam prevention strategies and provide better support to victims. The regulator expects all banks, regardless of size, to take action against scams.

The Need for Change

The case of Carol Scaramuzzi demonstrates the devastating impact scams can have on individuals. It’s crucial for banks to prioritize customer protection and take proactive measures to prevent and address scams. The threat of public embarrassment and regulatory action may be the only motivator for some banks to improve their practices.