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Super SA, a dedicated superannuation fund for state government employees in South Australia had suffered a data breach.

Over 14,000 members were impacted by the breach and the compromised data included name, address and date of birth. The data loss was through a third-party call centre which Super SA had previously contracted. The call centre was contracted back in 2019 to field phone calls from members impacted by a cyber security breach. The call centre had retained the member data after its contract ended and that data was accessed in this latest security incident. As such none of breach data contained information post 2020. Investigations are underway on why the call centre provider retained data post contract and also whether other government agencies which had contracts with the call centre were also caught up in the breach. The South Australian Treasurer said that the latest cyber security breach proved government agencies needed to improve their internal security.

This segment was created for the It’s 5:05 podcast