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Super Mario 3: Mario Forever is a free to play remake of the classic Nintendo game which was released in 2003. Playing as either Mario or Luigi, you’re running around the Mushroom Kingdom, jumping across platforms and atop of enemies on your way to rescue the kidnapped Princess Peach. The game is very popular and is downloaded by millions. There is however a new version of Super Mario 3 making its way on gaming forums and social media groups. It’s a Trojanised version and the installer comes with three executables. One is the legitimate Mario game and the other two are a crypto miner and a data stealing malware. The malicious executables are named atom.exe and java.exe and are installed discreetly during the game’s installation. If you have recently downloaded Super Mario 3: Mario Forever, make sure you scan your computer to be super sure that there are no installed Malware. You should also always scan downloaded executables before running them and keep your security tools updated.

This segment was created for the It’s 5:05 podcast

June 28, 2023