Over the past year, more than 101,000 stolen ChatGPT accounts are being sold on dark web marketplaces. Leaked ChatGPT credentials peaked in May 2023, with threat actors posting roughly 26,800 new accounts. Countries with   the most number of compromised accounts include India, Pakistan and Brazil. Because ChatGPT allows users to store conversations, access to an account might mean gaining insights into proprietary information, internal business strategies, personal communication. Software code and more. Many enterprises are integrating ChatGPT into their operational flow with employees entering classified correspondences or using the bot to optimise proprietary code. Such concerns are the reasons why some tech companies, like Samsung have outright banned staff from using ChatGPT on work computers. If you input sensitive data on ChatGPT, consider disabling the chat saving feature, or manually delete your conversations as soon as you are done using the tool.




This segment was created for the It’s 5:05 podcast
